IOCT Masters in Creative Technogies
Major Project
An augmented reality game based on "Breakout"

Friday, 4 July 2008

Brick collision from below to the left

Collision on the side of a brick only occurs when the ball is travelling sideways and the brick next to it no longer exists. I need to create an if statement, which says if the ball is travelling to the left, but do not check if the brick being hit is the left-most brick (as there is no brick to the left of it to be hit), then check the side collision.

x1 = prevballx – (bricks1[i-1].posx + bricks1[i-1].halfwidth) – gameball.radius – 4;
t = (float)*1 / (float)gameball.velx;
y1 = (int) (t*(float)gameball.vely);
tempballposx = prevballx + x1;
tempballposy = prevbally + y1;

//Check that the collision is between the top and bottom of the brick
if (bricks1[i-1].posy + bricks1[i-1].halfheight + 7 >= tempballposy && bricks1[i-1].numberhits < level)
bricks1[i-1].numberhits ++; //Add one to hit count
if (bricks1[i-1].numberhits == level); //Set up to check if brick hits equals level number then a sound effect could be added later
score = score+10; //Add 10 to the score each time a brick is deleted
gameball.velx = - gameball.velx; //Reverse the direction of the ball
gameball.posx = tempballposx + (int) ((1.0-t)*(float)gameball.velx); //Calculate the final ball position
gameball.posy = - tempballposy + (int) ((1.0-t)*(float)gameball.vely); //Calculate the final ball position
checklevelcomplete(); //Check if the level has been completed