This works on the physics equation:
To calculate the movement of the ball after collision I need to know how much time it has taken to reach the collision, as a proportion of a time step. The remaining time in the time step after the collision is used by the bal

x1=ball position x – minimum x + ball radius //calculate distance ball travelled before collision

t //amount of time step as proportion, between 0 and 1
y1 //distance travelled in y before collision
velx //total distance moved (real and projected) in x in time step
vely //total distance moved (real and projected) in y in time step
t=x1/velx //distance travelled in x in proportion to whole distance to be travelled in time step
y1=t*vely //calculate distance travelled in y before time step, multiply whole distance the ball would travel in time step by proportion already travelled
velx=-velx //reverse direction